Journey to Good


Are You Buying the Best Wine for Yourself and the Environment? There's a Biodynamic & Organic Wine Shop to See in Bucktown That Now Has a New Bar & It's Fantastic (Red & White Wines Review)

Chicago Journey, Nourishment JourneyColleen Reilley BohmbachComment

Anne and I love drinking wine.

It’s generally our alcoholic drink of choice. It helps us relax, it’s fun with friends, and it potentially offers us a few health benefits.

Being enthusiastic wine drinkers, we were happy to discover that there’s a method of making wine that possibly reduces terrible hangovers and headaches, and is better for us and our environment.

We had to try it.

These special thoughtfully-sourced wines are sold in a quaint corner shop in Chicago's Bucktown neighborhood called Red & White Wines. They’re known as “one of the first natural wine retailers in the US.”