Journey to Good


Seize Control of Your Skin-Care: DIY Healthy & Natural Moisturizer

DIY Journey, Beauty JourneyColleen Reilley Bohmbach

Our largest organ, our skin, the barrier protecting us from the world, eats. Now “eats” isn't exactly correct, but I want to emphasize that our skin absorbs what is put on it.

According to the American Journal of Public Health, our skin absorbs an average of 64% of total contaminants. I've read other reports that state absorption is closer to 70% of what is applied to our skin.

Therefore, any contaminants in our lotions/perfumes can enter our bodies and have systemic effects on our health.

We want to avoid toxic chemicals and additives in our skin care, just as we do with our food, given the majority of what is put on our skin is absorbed.

A good moisturizer is one that you can feel safe about having absorbed into your body as it contains no harmful natural ingredients, chemical additives or harsh preservatives.

The easiest way to ensure you have a healthy, nontoxic body moisturizer is to make it yourself.

That is why I am excited to share one of my favorite DIY body moisturizer recipes below.