Journey to Good


How to Make an Easy, Nontoxic, Aromatic DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner

DIY Journey, Wellness JourneyColleen Reilley Bohmbach2 Comments

Anne and I both love yoga for its many physical and mental benefits, and our mats can get very sweaty and dirty after practice. writes “When you roll the mat onto the floor, and roll it up again later, you’re rolling whatever mystery goodies (or not-so-goodies) up with it – rolled onto the side that you put your hands and feet and face on too.”  Additionally, they note “In a lab test conducted on several different yoga mats, some of the mats were found to have Staph, yeast build-up (a form of fungus), fecal matter, allergens, and millions of bacteria, to name just a few of the findings.” Seriously gross, right?

We know cleaning our yoga mats is essential, but the problem with most yoga mat cleaners is that they may contain harsh or toxic ingredients one should avoid touching and inhaling (even the “all natural” sprays & wipes may contain questionable emulsifiers, chelating agents, surfactants, and preservatives), can be expensive, and waste resources if they come in a non-reusable plastic container (among additional packaging).

I say skip those overpriced and potentially chemical filled store-bought yoga mat cleaners and make your own natural cleaner in 10 minutes with these easy DIY recipes below - all with items you can reuse.

Yoga, Magic, Mexico: Find Peace & Joy at Xinalani Retreat

Wellness Journey, Travel JourneyAnne Worth & Colleen Reilley Bohmbach

Xinalani Retreat (pronounced Shee-nah-lah-knee) is claimed to be “A Sanctuary for Self Discovery,” and we agree.

We journeyed to Xinalani Retreat, located in Quimixto, Mexico, together in April. Colleen has been two additional times in 2017.

If you’re looking for an all inclusive yoga retreat where you can grow your practice, enjoy nature and eat incredible clean food, this is the spot.

Hamsa Ayurveda and Yoga Center: 2017 Open House Review

Chicago Journey, Wellness JourneyAnne Worth & Colleen Reilley BohmbachComment

Ayurveda is the science of life, and the Hamsa Ayurveda Center has given new life to this ancient science in Chicago.

Anne and I attended the Hamsa Ayurveda open house in May, and it gave us both a base of knowledge we will use to explore Ayurveda more deeply in the future.

I was semi-informed on Ayurveda - I knew about Doshas and some Ayurvedic nutrition - but Anne was being introduced to this system of medicine for the first time.

If you’re like either of us, you probably have a lot of questions about this healing art.